BOX-32 and BOX-64 plug-in IO Cards:
- BT-5102, 2-channel orthogonal/pulse encoder inputs, 5VDC, single-ended
- BT-623F, 8-DI sink/source, and 8DO source, 24VDC
- BT-4234, 4-channel Analog Outputs, 0/4-20 mA, 16-bit, single-ended
- BT-3804, 4-channel, Thermocouple Inputs, 24-bit
- BT-3714, 4-channel, RTD Inputs, Pt-100, 15-bits
- BT-3724, 4-channel, RTD Inputs, Pt-1000, 15-bits
- BT-3244, 4-channel, Current Inputs, 0/4-20 mA, +- 20 mA, 15-bit, single-ended, bipolar
- BT-3238, 8-channel, Current Inputs, 0/4-20 mA, 15-bit, single-ended
- BT-222F, 16-channels, Digital Outputs, 24VDC, source
- BT-221F, 16-channels, Digital Outputs, 24VDC, sink
- BT-124F, 16-channels, Digital Inputs, 24VDC, sink/source
- BN-8034, Ethernet/IP comm board
- BN-8033, EtherCAT comm board
- BN-8032-L, Profinet comm board
- BN-8021, CANopen comm board
- BN-8032, Profinet comm board, supports MRP and IRT
- BN-8031, Modbus-TCP comm board
- BN-8011, Modbus-RTU comm board
- BT-4154, 4-channels, Voltage Output, 0-5V, 0-10V, +-5V, +-10V, 15/16-bit
Additional cards available.
Contact Metrologics sales for a configured system part number and quotation.